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The Verse of Purification
Alamah Murtadha Al Askari
With permission from
The World Islamic Network

Chapter 1: Verse of Purification in Sunni Sources
1.1: Revelation of the Verse
1.2: Type of Kisa (Cloak)
1.3: Position of the People of the Prophet’s Family under the cloak
1.4: Place where members of the Holy Prophet’s House Assembled together
1.5: How many Persons were present in the House when the verse was revealed
1.6: In what position and posture were the members of the Holy Prophet’s family, when the verse was revealed
1.7: Explanation and intrepretation of the words of the verse.
1.8: The verse as intrepreted in the narrations
1.9: What did the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) do after the revelation of the verse.
1.10: Those who relied on this sacred verse to prove the virtues of the people of the Holy Prophet’s House
1.11: Another narration from Umme Salma
Chapter 2: Verse of Purification in Shia Sources
2.1: The revelation of Verse of Purification
2.2: What did the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) do after the revelation of the verse.
2.3: Those who relied on this sacred verse to prove the virtues of the people of the Holy Prophet’s House
Dua Iftitah (mp3)
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Al Faatiha (mp3)
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Al Anfaal 41-52 (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
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