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Dua Iftitah - Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
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by Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

This famous author discusses the justification for the belief in God from an Islamic point of view.
The Morals and Ethics of the Quran
Need of Religion
Islam versus Terrorism
by Hassanain Rajabali. listen download

This talk clearly highlights the difference between terrorism and orthodox Islam. Followed by Q&A: listen download
Iran a Nation Reborn
The Beliefs of Shia Islam
by Allamah Mohammad Rida al-Muzaffar

This scholarly piece of work is an authentic account of the fundamentals of Shi'a Islam.
The Twelve Successors
Shia - Sunni Unity
The Theory of Evolution
by Dr. Murtaza Alidina.
Part 1:listen download Part 2:listen download

Giving an Islamic perspective on evolution and highlighting the theory's scientific flaws.
Embryology in the Quran
Dua Iftitah (mp3)
Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
listen download
Dua Kumail (video)
Dua Tawasul (mp3)
Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
listen download
Ar Rahman (mp3)
Abdul Basit
listen download
Al Faatiha (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
listen download
Al Anfaal 41-52 (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
listen download

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