The life of
ash-Shaykh Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar
The writer of this book comes from a respected family
called by the name of al-Muzaffar. This family of
academics and scholars has been recognised by this name
in Najaf since the twelfth century of the hijra. Some
members of the family reside in al-Jaza'ir, which is in
the district of Basra (in Iraq).
The father of ash-Shaykh Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar,
ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah, a jurist and a mujtahid,
was a marja' at-taqlid. Born and educated
in Najaf, he spent his youth in studies, his only other
activity being prayer and teaching, until he had
distinguished himself as a great jurist. He wrote a very
comprehensive commentary on the 'Shara i' al-Islam'[13]
which he named 'Tawhid al-Kalam'.
Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar was born on the 5th of
Sha'ban, 1322 A.H., .1904 A.D., five months after the
death of his illustrious father. Since his father died
before he was born neither could meet each other, and
Muhammad Rida grew up under the guardianship of his elder
brother ash-Shaykh 'Abdu 'n-Nabi, who devoted so much
love and affection on the child that he did not feel the
absence of his father.
Ash-Shaykh al-Muzaffar grew up in the learned
atmosphere of Najaf. He took part in the meetings of its
groups and circles of learning, as well as attending
lectures and classes. He took part in the most advanced
seminars, and received recognition of the highest order
from the most celebrated jurists and teachers. He
developed his full potentiality within one of the most
scholarly families in Najaf, under the guardianship of
his two elder brothers, ash-Shaykh 'Abdu 'n-Nabi and
ash-Shaykh Muhammad Hasan.
After he had completed the syllabus which is
customarily taught in the Islamic madrassahs in Najaf,
and after he had achieved great distinction, he attended
the classes given by his brother, ash-Shaykh Muhammad
Hasan, as well as the classes of ash-Shaykh Aqa Dia'd-din
al-,Iraqi in Islamic jurisprudence, and the lectures of
Mirza Muhammad Husayn Na'ini in law (fiqh) and
jurisprudence. However, he was most deeply impressed by
the classes of ash-Shaykh Muhammad Husayn al-Isfahani and
was most particular in attending all the talks and
lectures of this eminent scholar of law, jurisprudence
and philosophy. He was so impressed by this teacher that
he never failed to pay him the highest tributes whenever
the occasion presented itself. He followed the method of
this scholar in the arrangement of his own famous work on
Islamic jurisprudence, 'Usul al-Fiqh'.
His keen interest in his studies was noted by all his
teachers, and by the authorities of the religious
academies of Najaf. so he was given the highest degree of
ijtihad. It will he remembered that all throughout
his studies, ash-Shaykh al-Muzaffar remained an active
teacher of law, jurisprudence and philosophy. However,
his chief occupation was the establishment of 'Muntada
an-Nashr', an institute for the publication of books on
modern lines, with the purpose of renovating the syllabus
of the madrassahs. He devoted his life to the growth and
development of this institute, the need for which he was
most aware of because he had undertaken to acquaint
himself with modern ways of thinking and intellectual
trends right from the very beginning.
He made it the main purpose of his life to bring about
a rebirth of Islamic learning, and to achieve this aim he
wrote many books in a more modern style for students, and
in this he was extremely successful. He combined beauty
of expression with exactitude of meaning, and he had such
a command over words he neither sacrificed his simple
style to the exigencies of the subject matter, nor a
correct exposition of his themes to the demands of style.
He wrote with a fluency and conviction that carries the
reader along with him wherever he wants to take him. He
is at the height of his powers in his book 'Ahlam
al-Yaqzah' (The Waking Dreams) where he enters into a
kind of communion with his spiritual teacher Mulla Sadra
(ash-Shirazi). This book places him securely among the
masters of metaphysics, for in it he puts questions
before his mentor and then supplies answers on his
behalf. clarifying the deepest metaphysical problems by
means of the most beautiful anecdotes. He manages to
preserve this same superb style in his book on logic
No less remarkable is his ability as a story-teller
when he relates the eventful meeting at the Saqifah of
the Banu Sa'idah after the death of the Holy Prophet,
which has proved to be the cause of all the differences
and divergences among Muslims.
Eventually, ash-Shaykh al-Muzaffar, because of his
zeal to improve the educational and academic status of
the traditional Islamic teachers and speakers, became a
most active member of all organisations formed for this
purpose. Because of his sincere efforts, he succeeded in
discovering the cause of the prevailing mental lethargy,
and took positive steps to eliminate it. He felt that
reform was necessary not only in the academic field but
also in the field of the propagation of Islam.
It should be pointed out here that the teaching in the
madrassahs of Najaf comprises two stages. The first stage
is a preparatory one in which the main texts are taught
so as to prepare the student to move on to the second
stage in which he must attend the classes of the leading
teachers and acquire specialised knowledge, It was the
preparatory stage which w as in need of reshaping and
revising. M uzaffar realised that new books had to be
written and new subjects added to the curriculum, and in
furtherance of his aims he founded Kulliyah al-Fiqh' the
College of Islamic Studies.
As far as the presentation of Islamic thought is
concerned, this also consists of two branches : speaking
and writing, and ash-Shaykh alMuzaffar paid attention to
both of them. Through his Muntada an-Nashr, the institute
mentioned above, he was able to form a new generation of
speakers and teachers, and publish a new style of books.
The College, Kulliyah al-Fiqh' also mentioned above, was
founded in 1355 A.H., and in 1376, Muzaffar managed to
lay the foundation stone of a complete educational
institute, which obtained government recognition from the
Ministry of Education in 1377 A.H. Both of these
establishments remained his responsibility up to the end
of his life, and he spared neither energy nor money to
see his institutes flourish and prosper.
As a man he was free from egotism, and never held any
grudge against any person. He rendered his services to
the Creator alone, and paid no attention to rewards from
others. His selflessness knew no bounds. It is fitting to
end this short biography with his own words.
"We are prepared for new sacrifices, we are ready
to resign and give up our activities as soon as we find
someone else to take on these responsibilities, all the
more so if this were to result in a widening of these
institutions. These people should be confident that after
we have given over the reins of office into their hands
we should not cease serving this venture in whatever
capacity it may be. These expressions of ours are
sincere, and not merely to show our good intentions. It
is no significance that we should play a part, what is
important is that the venture should go ahead in a way
befitting Najaf, and that persons perform their duties to
It is of no importance what price is demanded, even if
it be the price of our souls, and how cheap this price is
if one's duty is done."