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Infallibility of the prophets & Messengers
Alamah Murtadha Al Askari
With permission from
The world islamic Network

Chapter 1: The Iblees does not have power on the vicegerents of Allah on the earth.
Chapter 2: The effect of an action, its permanence; the dispersal of the blessings and evils of an action upon a particular time and place.
Chapter 3: The Immunity of the Prophets From Sins.
Chapter 4: False tradition regarding the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Hazrat Dawood (a.s.) .
4.1: The Marriage of Hazrat Dawood (a.s.) as mentioned in the Quran
4.2: Interpretation of the Ayat according to the School of Caliphate
4.3: A study of narrators
4.4: A study of the Text of Tradition
4.5: Traditions concerning the marriage of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) with Zainab binte Jahash
4.6: Verses on the subject of the Prophet's marriage with Zainab bin Jahash
4.7: The Explanation of these ayats according to the school of Caliphate
4.8: Study of the two traditions
Chapter 5: Erroneous Interpretations.
5.1: Explanation of some words and technical terms
5.2: Explanation of certain words
5.3: Explanation of Ayats in the Light of Dictionary Meaning
5.4: Taveel of Ayats in the traditions of the Imams (a.s.) of Ahlul Bayt
Dua Iftitah (mp3)
Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
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Dua Kumail (video)
Dua Tawasul (mp3)
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Ar Rahman (mp3)
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Al Faatiha (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
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Al Anfaal 41-52 (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
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