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The Justice of the Companions
Alamah Murtadha Al Askari
With permission from
The World Islamic Network

Chapter 1: The Companion according to the Two Schools of Thought.
1.1: Definition of a Companion according to the School of Caliphate
1.2: Definition of a Companion according to the School of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)
1.3: Criteria for recognising a Sahabi - a brief discussion
1.4: A discussion about the criteria for recognising a Companion
Chapter 2: Justice of the Companions according to the Two Schools of Thought.
2.1: The opinion of the School of Caliphate regarding the Justice of the Companions
2.2: The opinion of the School of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) regarding the Justice of Companions
2.3: Criterion for recognising a believer and a hypocrite
Dua Iftitah (mp3)
Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
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Dua Kumail (video)
Dua Tawasul (mp3)
Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
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Ar Rahman (mp3)
Abdul Basit
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Al Faatiha (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
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Al Anfaal 41-52 (mp3)
Yasir Al-Filkawi
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